How Do You Respond To Change?

Jacqueline Vyskocil
3 min readNov 5, 2019


A lot of changes and possible changes are happening in my life currently. Though I cannot share them all with you just yet (I promise I will in a future blog post), it got me thinking about change.

I LOVE CHANGE!!! To me, change symbolizes growth, fresh starts, excitement, with a dash of fear, stress and nerves. As Marc and I are experiencing changes in our lives, I’m very aware of how I’m reacting and how people are reacting to us. First, I should say that I’m working on responding rather than reacting. The difference is when we react, we tend to say the first thoughts that come into our minds, unfiltered, and not thinking about the impact they may have on others. When we respond, we take a moment to digest the information and then speak. I’m not suggesting that we lie, mislead, or give false hope to others, simply I’m suggesting to think about what you say, how you say it, and if it’s necessary.

I’m reading a book (shocker, I know) titled “Feel The Fear…And Do It ANYWAY” by Susan Jeffers, Ph.D. I love everything about this title. In my mind if something makes me a little nervous, it means it’s important to me, I’m excited about it, and I want to make it happen. After reading the chapter “When ‘They’ Don’t Want You to Grow,” I started thinking about how myself and others respond to change.

Jeffers writes, “It is amazingly empowering to have the support of a strong, motivated, and inspirational group of people.” Stop and re-read that. Ask yourself, as I asked myself:

  • Who do I surround myself with on a daily basis?
  • Do those people empower me and encourage me to grow?
  • Do they support me through change and push me to reach my goals?
  • Do I empower others?
  • Do I support those that are changing around me?
  • Do I motivate and inspire others to seek the change and take the necessary, and sometimes scary steps to achieve their goals?

Like I said, changes are happening in my life daily that I am super excited about and cannot wait to share with you. I have become very aware of how people are responding to these changes and it’s solidifying for me the people I want to continue to surround myself with, and the people that I need to let go of.

“The Fear will never go away as long as I continue to grow.” Amen to that!!!

Are you experiencing some changes in your life lately? Are you around supportive people? I’d love to support you and I cannot wait to share my blog about all the changes Marc and I are experiencing with you all soon! :)

