My New Chapter Starts Tomorrow

Jacqueline Vyskocil
5 min readSep 16, 2018

It’s 5:38pm on a Sunday evening and my how my world has changed. For the first time in the last 10 years I can honestly say I’m not worrying about waking up early tomorrow morning. For 7 of the last 10 years, I was an elementary school teacher and immediately thought come Sunday my fun was over and it was back to the grind. I worried about trying to get to bed early so I could be ready for the week with my little ones. Up until last Friday, I spent the last 3 years co-owning a CrossFit gym and waking up between the hours of 3:30 and 4:00am every weekday to do a ‘job’ that I absolutely LOVED! However, I always found myself panicking that I wouldn’t wake up to my alarm to open the gym, or have enough energy to give my best in the morning come weeknights and Sundays. I allowed it to interfere with my relationships. I felt I couldn’t go out with my friends or stay up late with my amazing boyfriend Marc because I was always thinking about the next day.

Well, tomorrow starts a brand new chapter in my life. I am feeling all the emotions right now: excited, nervous, anxious, stressed, worried, proud, happy, BOLD, and confident.

Tomorrow, I am officially a full time realtor, a part-time CrossFit coach, a CrossFit Amplify member and athlete, a girlfriend, a daughter, and a friend.

It was extremely difficult for me to give up my part of owning a gym and most recently make the decision to leave to make real estate my full time career. After figuring out the amount of time I spent driving, gas money, and the time it was taking away from real estate, I came to the realization it would be the best move for me.

I want to say thank you to all of the amazing people at CrossFit Mettle and Honor. You all played a huge part in shaping me into the woman I am today. You’ve given me confidence, taught me how to run a business, and most of all you’ve supported me throughout this difficult decision. You will always be my family and I know that we’ll all see each other soon.

I am grateful for the opportunity to continue my passion of coaching on the side. My new gym is only 10 minutes away from home. Tomorrow, I get to wake up at 4:40am (a whole hour later, yes this time is exciting to me), join in on the 5:30am CrossFit class (something my schedule and place of living hasn’t allowed for in the past few years), coach the 6:30am class, then head home to prepare for my day as a realtor.

I get to put on my business clothes and head into the office surrounded by incredible agents who do nothing but support, uplift, and motivate me daily. I will start my new routine of daily lead generation time, searching for homes for my buyers, reaching out for referrals, attending free classes at my brokerage Keller Williams Realty Infinity and going to appointments.

I get to then come home and spend time with Marc, something that has been lost at night because of our crazy schedules. For roughly the past 6–10 months it’s been hard. We have both been working our asses off and honestly putting work before each other. We’ve been doing that with the intention that working hard now will pay off for our future together. What we neglected to see was that it was taking away time from our relationship. While the love we have for each other is undeniable, we knew we had to start carving out time for us to be together. I share this because I know we are not alone here. I know there are many people out there working hard to help make sure their family has a good life. Stop for a minute and ask yourself when the last time you’ve had a date night with your significant other has been. Then, stop and schedule one and do not cancel it for ANYTHING. Marc and I stopped working around 5:00 last night and spent the rest of the evening together and we felt so refreshed and again realized the importance of making each other top priority.

I’ll get to settle into a new nighttime routine of reading both for business and pleasure before falling asleep on Marc’s chest (my favorite place in the world)!

So, let’s get back to those emotions. I am excited: to start my full-time career, workout with a class, and continue to have a few coaching hours. I am nervous to leave what I knew behind. I am anxious about my new schedule and how it will go. I am stressed and worried in a financial way hoping this risk will be worth it. I am proud that I put myself first, which in turn makes me happy. When I’m happy, I know I can spread that to others. I’m feeling BOLD because I know this is a risk. However, I am confident that I’m the type of person that when faced with a risk is determined to come out on top.

Take a few minutes tonight and ask yourself…Am I truly happy in ALL areas of my life? If not, where am I unhappy and why? What can I start to do to fix that? Change is not easy. Would you rather work hard and face a couple of challenges and be happy, or be in the same place you are now?

I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to leave me a message on my blog page. Or send me an e-mail at

Have a great night! Cheers to new beginnings!

