So I’m Running a Marathon!

Jacqueline Vyskocil
3 min readAug 13, 2019


Years ago, I trained for and ran a half marathon with the ultimate goal of running a full one. As soon as I crossed the finish line, I thought, “Nope, never doing a full.” No one prepared me for what I was going to feel like at the end of that race and I had no clue my body was going to feel awful for the next couple of hours. I left the Naperville half that day proud that I had accomplished my goal and content with not signing up for a full marathon.

Deep down, I knew that I was making excuses. Running is boring, I don’t have enough time to train, my body felt terrible, no one told me, etc. However, I’ve also always wondered could I do it? I have so much respect for everyone that has completed a marathon, why can’t I just do it?

A couple weeks ago, I was inspired. I had just finished reading the book “Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins, one of the most mentally and physically tough people I’ve ever read about. Part of his story includes raising money for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation by running an Ultra Marathon (100 miles)!

Last week, I shared that I’ve finally identified “My Why,” to live a life coming from contribution.

I’ve been taking personal boxing training lessons from my coach, Brian, and I’ve learned a lot about him. Brian’s professional fighting career has been cut short due to an injury that occurred during fight camp training. His retina detached from his eye and he cannot fight again until it is corrected. He’s already had 3 painful surgeries and financially cannot catch up or afford to get the others needed to give him the chance to get back in the ring.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. I finished an extremely powerful book, found “My Why,” and met Brian.

This led me to the decision to sign up for a marathon. I am currently raising money for Brian and my goal is to have $10,000 by November 10th the day of my race. (Please check out his story and consider making a donation, by visiting the link below).

I am grateful that I’m surrounded by people who encourage me to think bigger and step outside of my comfort zone. For it is only when we step outside of our comfort zone and do something that scares us or makes us nervous that we grow.

I’m thankful to my friends and family who have already been unbelievably supportive making donations, offering advice, taking me shoe shopping, and believing in me.

Training has started and I will not let myself or any of you down!

  • What’s something you swore you’d never do?
  • Why?
  • Would you benefit from it?

